
Published On: April 30th, 2015

Just about the time you get this newsletter in your email box, I’ll be jetting off to the far side of the world. I’m not going to be too specific about my itinerary, but what I’ll be doing, as you can imagine, is speaking.

I’m going to speak to gatherings of men about being great men. I’m going to speak in defense of the Kurds. I’ll also speak to business leaders, politicians and even entertainers. My goal with each talk will be to light such fires in human hearts that my listeners will want to live exceptional lives and to do so in the service of their generation.

I can only do this because I believe something that many others do not: that the world is malleable. I don’t believe that we live in hardened, fixed, unchangeable times. Instead, I think we live in times when people are desperate for direction and willing to be led to higher ground. In fact, much of the anger and violence we endure in our age comes from the rage of emptiness, the tormenting suspicion that the old answers aren’t  true and that there are no new answers worth considering.

Yet there are answers. For the heart. For nations. For our place in this world.

So I speak. I write. I make what I hope is a righteous noise. I urge you to do the same. Too many in our world watch digital images of troubling reality pass before them and conclude that nothing can be done. The truth is that much can be done, though it will be done only by those willing to declare themselves.

How about you?

Have a good weekend.
