Sane Conservatism

Many conservatives have deep concerns about Donald Trump and how his politics may affect upcoming elections and the future of the GOP. While Trump has done some good things, some of his beliefs and policies have also damaged the Republican Party and alienated potential voters. In this episode, Stephen [read more]

2025-01-24T17:32:22-05:00November 17th, 2021|Podcast|

From The Archive: Knowing Religion

A lack of religious knowledge has plagued our society for years, causing great devastation at home and abroad. Many people, for example, don’t know the difference between a Muslim and a Sheikh or an Evangelical and a Catholic. Very few have ever had a comparative religion class. In this [read more]

2025-01-24T17:32:22-05:00November 10th, 2021|Podcast|

The Disturbing Pope

Pope Francis and President Biden recently met. The Pope declared Biden a good Christian and Catholic and said he should continue receiving communion. As someone who is pro-life and slightly right of center, Stephen is concerned about the Pope’s public statements regarding moral issues. Are we are headed toward [read more]

2025-01-24T17:32:22-05:00November 3rd, 2021|Podcast|

American Wasteland

While spending the past few days in Arizona, Stephen met a number of people who recently moved to the Copper State from California, Washington, and other blue states. Rapidly increasing crime rates, sky-high taxation, a shrinking law enforcement presence, and left-leaning policies have driven these families out of their [read more]

2025-01-24T17:32:22-05:00October 27th, 2021|Podcast|

A Warning: Inflation

Inflation is essentially government theft. Let’s talk about it. Inflation occurs when government expands the money supply. The greater the supply, the less scarce – and therefore valuable – something becomes. In our economy, the federal government can expand the money supply through policy. We currently have an inflation [read more]

2025-01-24T17:32:22-05:00October 20th, 2021|Podcast|

The College Debt Plague

Borrowed Future: How Student Loans are Killing the American Dream is a new documentary from Ramsey Solutions that uncovers the dark side of the student loan industry and exposes how the system is built to work against students. Stephen recently had the opportunity to watch this film, which is [read more]

2025-01-24T17:32:22-05:00October 13th, 2021|Podcast|

From The Archive: On Christian Statesmanship

Travis asks, “What is Christian statesmanship?” In this episode, Stephen shares several Biblically-based answers to the question through addressing foundational Christian theology and reflecting on great leaders and events from history. Discover why Christian statesmanship matters and why it should be understood by people of all backgrounds. This episode [read more]

2025-01-24T17:32:22-05:00October 6th, 2021|Podcast|

From The Archive: About Monopolies

Did you know that three companies control 95% of all credit cards? Or that three companies also control 80% of all mobile telecoms? Stephen is pro-business and fully supportive of free markets, but he is also fully opposed to monopolies. Dive into this episode to learn more about the [read more]

2025-01-24T17:32:22-05:00September 29th, 2021|Podcast|

From The Archive: The Leadership Vacuum

Here is a truth of leadership: if you don’t fix it, somebody else is going to. And they’re probably going to fix it in a clumsy and heavy-fisted way. The AMA failed to address our healthcare issues, and so we got Obamacare. Several administrations failed to address trade issues, [read more]

2025-01-24T17:32:22-05:00September 22nd, 2021|Podcast|

The Two Americas Abroad

We often think of America as a force of good in the world. Our nation provides foreign aid and spreads democracy. Certainly, America does much good. Yet there is a dark side of American influence abroad. In this episode, Stephen examines the dual America: the noble, generous, value-driven America [read more]

2025-01-24T17:32:22-05:00September 15th, 2021|Podcast|
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