From The Archive: About Monopolies

Did you know that three companies control 95% of all credit cards? Or that three companies also control 80% of all mobile telecoms? Stephen is pro-business and fully supportive of free markets, but he is also fully opposed to monopolies. Dive into this episode to learn more about the [read more]

2025-03-08T20:56:03-05:00September 29th, 2021|Podcast|

From The Archive: The Leadership Vacuum

Here is a truth of leadership: if you don’t fix it, somebody else is going to. And they’re probably going to fix it in a clumsy and heavy-fisted way. The AMA failed to address our healthcare issues, and so we got Obamacare. Several administrations failed to address trade issues, [read more]

2025-03-08T20:56:03-05:00September 22nd, 2021|Podcast|

The Two Americas Abroad

We often think of America as a force of good in the world. Our nation provides foreign aid and spreads democracy. Certainly, America does much good. Yet there is a dark side of American influence abroad. In this episode, Stephen examines the dual America: the noble, generous, value-driven America [read more]

2025-03-08T20:56:03-05:00September 15th, 2021|Podcast|

Texas and the End of Roe

Through Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization the Supreme Court will have to determine if it is going to overturn or uphold Roe v. Wade, the 1973 ruling that legalized abortion throughout America. In this episode, Stephen discusses The Texas Heartbeat Act and the political genius of this legislation, [read more]

2025-03-08T20:56:03-05:00September 8th, 2021|Podcast|

The Great Resignation

According to US Department of Labor, 11.5M workers quit their jobs in April, May and June. This has been confirmed by a recent survey of 30,000 workers. What’s happening? People are looking honestly at their job dissatisfaction. COVID-19 caused 74% of people to rethink their work life. Now, many [read more]

2025-03-08T20:56:04-05:00September 1st, 2021|Podcast|

The Stench of Our Withdrawal

Our bungled retreat from Afghanistan will have a profound impact on the trajectory of our country and the configuration of the world. The way the Biden administration left Afghanistan has been unbelievably disastrous. This has been a sign of American weakness and we’re going to see our enemies emboldened [read more]

2025-03-08T20:56:04-05:00August 18th, 2021|Podcast|

A Free Enterprise Victory

True private enterprise should create a just and strong society. In this episode, Stephen discusses the $15/hr minimum wage and how we are seeing this economic and social issue play out in legislation and the free market. If business leaders don’t make changes on their own, then the government [read more]

2025-03-08T20:56:04-05:00August 11th, 2021|Podcast|

From The Archive: Planning for Economic Turmoil

No, the world’s not coming to an end. But economic turmoil is always a real possibility. Fortunately, it’s something we can prepare for and protect ourselves from. In this episode, Stephen shares practical tips to help get your family on firm footing. Learn about “The Grandmother Strategy,” the connection [read more]

2025-03-08T20:56:04-05:00August 4th, 2021|Podcast|

Smart Fiction

Stephen is often asked how he gets the information that he needs. How does he learn? How does he stay on top of trends? One of the ways, of course, is by reading. Non-fiction certainly isn’t the only type of reading that can teach you about the world. In [read more]

2025-03-08T20:56:04-05:00July 28th, 2021|Podcast|
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