The Evangelical Crisis

Evangelicals today are in crisis – largely because so many, especially the leaders, are wed to Donald Trump, who earned 81% of the white evangelical vote, half of the Roman Catholic vote, and half of the votes of regular church attendees. So, what’s the problem? Stephen sees a backlash against [read more]

2025-02-01T03:19:11-05:00April 4th, 2018|Podcast|

ISIS Down the Street

Stephen recently learned from Kurdish elders in Nashville that ISIS is reaching out to Iraqi, Iranian, and Kurdish youth. In fact, ISIS is gaining money, power, and influence throughout the U.S. In this episode, Stephen urges awareness, action, and relationship-building. There is too great a chasm between Anglo cultures [read more]

2025-02-01T03:19:11-05:00March 28th, 2018|Podcast|

The Need For Strength Abroad

Russia’s behavior is a result of the United States’ weakness at certain critical moments. (For a recent example: our failure to support the Kurds, 93% of whom voted in favor of a referendum on independence.) Stephen believes that if the U.S. doesn’t change its diplomatic tone, Russia is going [read more]

2025-02-01T03:19:11-05:00March 21st, 2018|Podcast|

More on Guns—and an Apology

Stephen recently published a podcast on the topic of guns, which generated much feedback and conversation among listeners. Today he issues an apology regarding a statement made in that episode. This episode also includes a discussion of how the Second Amendment, James Madison’s writings in the Federalist Papers, and [read more]

2025-02-01T03:19:11-05:00March 14th, 2018|Podcast|

The 4 Commitments Of Billy Graham

We could talk forever about Billy Graham’s life, ministry, preaching, and theology. But today Stephen wants to talk about one critical moment in Billy Graham’s life that happened in 1949. In a monumental meeting, Graham and his team set firm boundaries that resulted in a scandal-free ministry for more [read more]

2025-02-01T03:19:11-05:00March 7th, 2018|Podcast|

Guns, Rights, and Moderation

People who do not clean up their own house end up having their house cleaned for them. We’ve seen this with the American medical community through Obamacare and now the Trump administration’s attempts to fix the system. Now, we’re going to see the process unfold yet again through gun [read more]

2025-02-01T03:19:11-05:00February 28th, 2018|Podcast|

All Things Churchill

Stephen wants you to fall in love with Winston Churchill… however it happens! In this episode, Stephen shares his top book and film recommendations, as well as why Churchill is rewarding at every level. Books: Stephen’s book: The Character and Greatness of Winston Churchill: Hero in a Time of [read more]

2025-02-01T03:19:11-05:00February 21st, 2018|Podcast|

Protecting Americans Abroad

Did you know that an American citizen who works for NASA has been held in solitary confinement in Turkey for 18 months? And that he just received a 7.5 year prison sentence for a crime he could not possibly have committed? The United States has essentially done nothing but [read more]

2025-02-01T03:19:11-05:00February 14th, 2018|Podcast|

Why Afrin Matters

I like Turkey very much. But I do not like Erdoğan, the current leader of Turkey, or the thuggish government and military he has produced. Now, he’s accusing the YPG (a U.S. ally) of being in league with the PKK, and therefore an enemy of Turkey. Why does the [read more]

2025-02-01T03:19:11-05:00February 7th, 2018|Podcast|

From The Archive: The Sexual Abuse Epidemic

In November, Stephen responded to the watershed of sexual abuse allegations coming to light. Today – 10 weeks after that episode originally aired – the "Weinstein effect" continues its spread. As the sexual abuse epidemic unfolds, it's more important now than ever before to understand what's happening in our [read more]

2025-02-01T03:19:11-05:00January 31st, 2018|Podcast|
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