The Wrong Side of History

On September 25, the Kurds of Iraqi Kurdistan will have a referendum on whether Iraqi Kurdistan needs to break from the rest of Iraq. Stephen believes it will pass with 80 to 90% support. Yet the United States is doing everything it can to fight this independence movement. Why [read more]

2025-03-14T06:38:32-04:00September 20th, 2017|Podcast|

Prophetic Distance

There is a long tradition of religion influencing politics in American history. It is largely to be welcomed. Yet in the recent presidential election, some religious leaders were so full-throated in endorsing Donald Trump that they nearly became part of his PR staff. There is a better, more noble, [read more]

2025-03-14T06:38:32-04:00September 13th, 2017|Podcast|

The Shadow Cabinet

When Republicans took the House, the Senate and the White House in the recent presidential election, they should have been ready to lead on the first day in office. Instead, infighting and lack of preparation led to embarrassing defeats. Hoping for a better day, Stephen recommends the British Shadow [read more]

2025-03-14T06:38:32-04:00September 6th, 2017|Podcast|

Our Crises: Don’t Freakout!

The news in our day might lead us to conclude we are living in the worst of all possible times and, for some of us, in the worst of all possible countries—the United States. It isn’t true. As Stephen explains, the current rise of white supremacist thinking is the [read more]

2025-03-14T06:38:32-04:00August 30th, 2017|Podcast|

Racism: Christian and Conservative?

During the recent race riots in Charlottesville and Boston, white supremacists repeatedly described themselves as “Christian” and “Conservative.” As Stephen contends in this podcast, nothing could be further from white supremacist philosophy than true Christianity and true Conservatism. Since Stephen considers himself both a Christian and a Conservative, he [read more]

2025-03-14T06:38:32-04:00August 23rd, 2017|Podcast|

The Tragedy of Silent Churches

This week, in light of the racial violence and conflict seen in Charlottesville and throughout the U.S., we are reposting Part One of a two-part podcast, The Tragedy of Silent Churches. Part Two of this podcast is available here. The Christian Church was put on earth to both proclaim a [read more]

2025-03-14T06:38:32-04:00August 16th, 2017|Podcast|

Donald Trump and Me

Though Stephen has offered close commentary about the recent presidential election and the early presidency of Donald Trump, many of his listeners have asked for a more personal view. How did he vote? What does he think of Trump’s first months? How does he relate to the current climate [read more]

2025-03-14T06:38:32-04:00August 9th, 2017|Podcast|

A Tribute to the Queen

She will not always be with us, and when she goes it will be a loss. She has reigned as Queen of England for sixty years and has done so with character, with an unshakeable sense of duty, and with an uncompromising Christian witness. In this podcast, Stephen extols [read more]

2025-03-14T06:38:32-04:00August 2nd, 2017|Podcast|

The Economic Correction

When Donald Trump was elected president, the American business community rejoiced. He was one of the most pro-business, pro-growth, pro-jobs candidates in recent memory. Now, six months later, the economy has undergone a correction and a bigger economic correction or pullback looms. Stephen explains what this might mean for you [read more]

2025-03-14T06:38:32-04:00July 26th, 2017|Podcast|

Is the Top 1% Evil?

In the speeches of Bernie Sanders, in the Occupy Wall Street movement, and in popular chitchat, we hear often that the top one percent of earners in our society are destroying us. Is this true? Is one percent of the country the cause of all our woes? And what [read more]

2025-03-14T06:38:32-04:00July 19th, 2017|Podcast|
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