On Neil Gorsuch

Donald Trump has nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch for the U.S. Supreme Court. He is an originalist and a textualist. He’s only 49 and he’s one of the best educated and most experienced Supreme Court nominees in U.S. history. Stephen explains why he thinks Judge Gorsuch is a brilliant choice [read more]

2025-03-15T04:19:46-04:00February 15th, 2017|Podcast|

Standing With Women: Part 2

When Stephen expressed his support for the broad purposes of the recent Women’s March but also said he had reservations, he got huge feedback from his listeners. Most of it was positive, and there were some important questions. In this podcast, he answers those questions, which carries him through [read more]

2025-03-15T04:19:46-04:00February 8th, 2017|Podcast|

Bungling the Ban

Donald Trump has issued an executive order banning immigration from countries terrorists have used for entry into the United States. The order was badly timed, badly crafted, and badly announced. Yet most Americans would have supported the administration’s intentions for the order had objectives been long-term and had time [read more]

2025-03-15T04:19:46-04:00February 1st, 2017|Podcast|

Standing With Women

The recent worldwide Women’s March was an impressive display of support for women’s rights and an impressive reaction to the misdeeds of Donald Trump. Stephen wishes he could have joined it. He has said publicly and often that he is as much a feminist as it is possible for [read more]

2025-03-15T04:19:46-04:00January 25th, 2017|Podcast|

Getting Beyond the Headlines

Donald Trump is raising questions about the truthfulness of news reporting by major media outlets. Even if we disagree with him, we’ve all had reason to question whether the news we get is biased and inaccurate. Stephen believes these are important questions to ask. In this podcast, he lists [read more]

2025-03-15T04:19:46-04:00January 17th, 2017|Podcast|

The Curse of Opinions

We are all overwhelmed with data passing itself off as information. We are all pressured to form opinions about what we learn. We find ourselves in troubled territory, though, when we confuse opinions with knowledge, when we mistake our beliefs about the facts with the importance of the facts [read more]

2025-03-15T04:19:46-04:00January 11th, 2017|Podcast|

Manhood and Our Moment in Time

As the new year begins, Stephen looks back over the main events of 2016 through the lens of manhood. Our age seems to be crying out for a surge of righteous masculinity. Stephen lists some of the elements of this kind of manhood and calls for action from each [read more]

2025-03-15T04:19:46-04:00January 4th, 2017|Podcast|

The Story of Santa Claus (2015)

T’is (almost) the night before Christmas: Stephen finishes up a two-part historical series on the lore and traditions behind our nation’s most beloved holiday. Who is “Santa Claus,” and where did he come from? Listen to part 1 here: The Story of Christmas [custom_font font_family='Open Sans' font_size='11' line_height='26' font_style='none' [read more]

2025-03-15T04:19:46-04:00December 23rd, 2016|Podcast|

The Story of Christmas (2015)

In our era of religious confusion and error, it’s easy to become confused about Christmas. Is it a religious fabrication? Did the early church celebrate it? Is it an invention of corporate America? In this calm, reasoned podcast, Stephen tells the history of Christmas and makes some recommendations for [read more]

2025-03-15T04:19:46-04:00December 20th, 2016|Podcast|

The Worst of Times?

In our troubled age, we often hear people declare that these are “the worst of times,” that this is “a horrible time to be alive.” Stephen insists that not only is this a cancerous belief to carry in our souls, it simply isn’t true factually. This podcast is an [read more]

2025-03-15T04:19:46-04:00December 14th, 2016|Podcast|
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