The Republican Crisis

Though the Democratic Party seems aligned behind Hillary Clinton as its frontrunner in the 2016 presidential race, Republicans are not nearly as unified. Some sixteen GOP candidates are likely to run, which could leave the party divided, weary and financially exhausted before the general election even begins. In this [read more]

2025-03-17T22:37:34-04:00July 2nd, 2015|Podcast|

Is The Charleston Shooter Insane?

Americans have a tendency to think that anyone who commits an act of extreme violence is insane. It means we don’t have to deal with the causes of the violence, that the solution is an institution and keeping the criminally insane comfortably out of view. [vc_separator type='transparent' position='center' color='' [read more]

2025-03-17T22:37:34-04:00June 24th, 2015|Podcast|

What I Saw in Kurdistan: Part 2

Having just arrived back home from the Middle East, Stephen gives a first-hand account of the situation facing Kurdistan today. This is the final episode of a two-part series. Part 1 [custom_font font_family='Open Sans' font_size='11' line_height='26' font_style='none' text_align='left' font_weight='300' color='' background_color='' text_decoration='none' text_shadow='no' padding='0px' margin='0px']Image courtesy of NBC News[/custom_font]

2025-03-17T22:37:34-04:00June 11th, 2015|Podcast|

What I Saw in Kurdistan: Part 1

Having just arrived back home from the Middle East, Stephen gives a first-hand account of the situation facing Kurdistan today. [custom_font font_family='Open Sans' font_size='11' line_height='26' font_style='none' text_align='left' font_weight='300' color='' background_color='' text_decoration='none' text_shadow='no' padding='0px' margin='0px']Image courtesy of Nyaz Levi on WallpapersWide[/custom_font]

2025-03-17T22:37:34-04:00June 3rd, 2015|Podcast|

Why I’m Going to Kurdistan

As of the release of this episode, Stephen is in Kurdistan meeting with Kurdish leaders and encouraging Kurdish troops and youth. In this episode, he explains why he has risked this trip and what he believes our “Kurdish moment” means to our generation. Adding to his descriptions of the [read more]

2025-03-17T22:37:34-04:00May 23rd, 2015|Podcast|

Obama’s Faith: Was I Right?

In 2008, Stephen Mansfield wrote The Faith of Barack Obama. It was an international bestseller, which followed his previous worldwide hit The Faith of George W. Bush. In his groundbreaking book, Stephen argued that Obama was a Christian, but was liberal theologically and politically. In an era when nearly [read more]

2025-03-17T22:37:34-04:00May 13th, 2015|Podcast|

In Honor of Mothers

The role of mothers throughout history is often decisive and unrecognized. In this tender podcast, Stephen celebrates mothers in history and describes the profound role they can play in the lives of their children. This podcast is perfect preparation for Mother’s Day but it is also an important reminder [read more]

2025-03-17T22:37:34-04:00May 7th, 2015|Podcast|

Habits and the Brain

We all have habits we wish we could break. Some of our habits may even have led us into addiction. We know what we ought to do yet find doing it nearly impossible. Drawing some helpful truths from the field of brain science, Stephen offers a new way to [read more]

2025-03-17T22:37:34-04:00April 29th, 2015|Podcast|

The Coming Victory Over ISIS

The news that reaches us about ISIS and its atrocities would lead us to conclude that this viscous terrorist force is winning its battle for control of the Middle East. The truth is that ISIS wins only headlines and only because it targets the helpless and unsuspecting. The beheading [read more]

2025-03-17T22:37:34-04:00April 22nd, 2015|Podcast|

A Culture of Righteous Manhood

Everyone creates a culture around themselves. A culture is merely the result of what we encourage to grow. Some people create cultures of anger and bitterness. Some of sarcasm and insult. Others create cultures that encourage and inspire. Stephen believes that every man should be working to create a [read more]

2025-03-17T22:37:34-04:00April 15th, 2015|Podcast|
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