What is Christian Nationalism?

Christian nationalism is a hot button topic in our society today. As a student of American history, Stephen weighs in on the topic with a balanced perspective. Together we’ll ask: Is America a Christian nation? Should Christianity be an official religion? Does Christian nationalism work? Is it justified? Tune [read more]

2025-03-09T10:19:16-04:00November 3rd, 2022|Podcast|

Mahsa Amini and Tulsi Gabbard

Mahsa Amini and Tulsi Gabbard are two women who have moved to the forefront of world news and may perhaps signal world changes to come. On September 16, Mahsa Amini, a young Iranian woman without head covering, was taken into custody by the nation’s “morality police” where she died [read more]

2025-03-09T10:19:16-04:00October 19th, 2022|Podcast|

The Constitution a Covenant with God?

There is a popular view that America has a covenant with God that is defined by the Constitution of the United States. Furthermore, proponents of this argument often believe that when elected officials violate the Constitution, they are violating that covenant and bringing our nation under God’s judgement. Stephen [read more]

2025-03-09T10:19:16-04:00October 5th, 2022|Podcast|

A High Courage, a Quiet Heart

On her 21st birthday, Queen Elizabeth II (then Princess Elizabeth) spoke words to the Commonwealth that have echoed in Stephen’s mind and heart for years: “If we all go forward together with an unwavering faith, a high courage, and a quiet heart, we shall be able to make of [read more]

2025-03-09T10:19:16-04:00September 21st, 2022|Podcast|

Not Serious About Student Debt

President Biden is a consummate politician, and his recent student loan debt forgiveness announcement is a prime example. While Stephen is fully in favor of freeing students and their parents from these mafia-like loans, the current forgiveness “plan,” if it can be considered as much, is an administrative failure. [read more]

2025-03-09T10:19:16-04:00September 7th, 2022|Podcast|

Stephen’s Top 7

This week on the podcast, Stephen weighs in on his top seven topics, a broad mix of subjects spanning from the Russia/Ukraine war and the state of our economy to Notre Dame football. Tune in for a special announcement at the beginning of this episode, and be sure to [read more]

2025-03-09T10:19:16-04:00August 24th, 2022|Podcast|

From The Archive: All Things Churchill

Stephen wants you to fall in love with Winston Churchill… however it happens! In this episode, Stephen shares his top book and film recommendations, as well as why Churchill is rewarding at every level. Books: Stephen’s book: The Character and Greatness of Winston Churchill: Hero in a Time of [read more]

2025-03-09T10:19:16-04:00August 17th, 2022|Podcast|

From The Archive: Victory Over Hunger

Those of us in the West spend little time and money on food. Only one in 50 people work in food production, and less than 10% of personal income is spent on food. For comparison, 82% of Ethiopia’s population works in food production… and 60% of a person’s income [read more]

2025-03-09T10:19:16-04:00August 10th, 2022|Podcast|

Best Of: Is “Evangelical” a Bad Word?

How did “evangelical,” which has its roots in the Greek word for “good news,” come to have a largely negative association with right-wing politics? In this episode, Stephen briefly traces the history and usage of the word, discussing along the way: the ancient church, John Wesley and the Methodist [read more]

2025-03-09T10:19:16-04:00August 3rd, 2022|Podcast|

Best Of: The Radical Middle (Part Two)

The political middle has been abandoned. The mainstream may talk about the “middle” as a place for those with weak, undecided opinions, but Stephen sees the “radical middle” as a place for thoughtful voters with convictions and morals. In this episode, Stephen gives some examples of what a right-of-center [read more]

2025-03-09T10:19:16-04:00July 27th, 2022|Podcast|
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