“Stephen is always concise, clear, and respectful with his thoughts and I can’t wait for each new episode to come out.”

– iTunes Reviewer

  • Recep Erdoğan, President of Turkey, has cajoled the Supreme Court of Turkey into allowing the Hagia Sophia to be reverted to use as a mosque. Stephen provides a brief history of this incredible sixth century church, and explains why this move may signal the continued persecution of Christians, killing of Kurds, and rise of the Islamic right.

    Published on July 15, 2020

  • Did you know that there is a woman running for President of the United States in 2020? Meet the Libertarian Party candidate, Jo Jorgensen. Though Stephen does not consider himself a libertarian and has never voted for one of the party’s candidates, he does like many of the party’s ideas. In this episode, you’ll learn more about Jorgensen, libertarian ideology, and the primary issue on which Stephen would like to see this party change its stance. If you’re interested[read more]

    Published on July 8, 2020

  • In the last episode of the Stephen Mansfield Podcast, Stephen made a surprising prediction: that President Trump will be reelected. In recent weeks, Donald Trump’s fortunes in this race have been dramatically diminished, especially by a few of the Supreme Court’s recent decisions. When 81% of white evangelicals and half of all Roman Catholics in the U.S. voted for Trump, they largely did so for Supreme Court appointees. With the Supreme Court turning, will some voters question whether they[read more]

    Published on July 1, 2020

  • Republicans are in rough shape. The recent Tulsa rally did not go well for President Trump. The Supreme Court rulings on DACA and LGBTQ employees are considered a blow to the Trump administration. Polls tell us that the majority of Americans are not happy with the administration’s response to coronavirus, and the Lafayette Square incident is perceived as yet another misstep. By all measures, President Trump is losing this race to Democratic nominee Joe Biden. In light of all[read more]

    Published on June 24, 2020

  • Defund the police? Stephen discusses this popular catchphrase in light of the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878. If you aren’t already doing so, it’s time to start pondering the big questions facing the American people and lawmakers: should the police be armed and permitted to function as a military force at the local level? At the national level, should the President be allowed to use the symbolism or actual force of the military on civilians during times of riot?[read more]

    Published on June 17, 2020

  • The economy has taken a direct hit from COVID-19, but Stephen suggests that a comparison of our current times and the Great Depression is far off-base. Tune in, as Stephen describes some of the fundamental flaws in the systems that led up to the 1929 crash and Great Depression. You’ll also learn why today’s economy is on completely different footing. Prepare yourself: good times are returning.

    Published on June 10, 2020

  • The Stephen Mansfield Podcast has always been about looking the tough stuff in the face and talking about solutions. Today, as our nation and our world confronts tumult, pain, and death, Stephen is most grateful to have you with him. As we all know, a young man named George Floyd was arrested by police and detained with an officer’s knee on his neck for some nine minutes, ultimately resulting in his death. Stephen discusses this tremendous injustice, the good[read more]

    Published on June 3, 2020

  • In politics, principles must come before personalities. In no unclear terms, Stephen shares exactly what he thinks about Donald Trump. He encourages voters to separate the personality and character of a leader from the policies and actions the leader supports. U.S. voters must stop thinking in messianic terms. We are electing a leader from the pool who most closely aligns with our values, not the messiah.

    Published on May 27, 2020

  • “What do you think about Joe Biden?” Stephen’s answer addresses everything from Biden’s voting record, personal character, political style, and more. There’s a lot to like personally about Biden. He’s a man’s man who has suffered greatly. He’s in touch with the average Joe. But as a man of principle, Biden falls short. Find out why Stephen thinks so.

    Published on May 20, 2020

  • Let’s talk politics. Biden holds a lead over Trump in most of the current polls. But Stephen doesn’t believe Biden will secure the victory. In fact, even many of those who will vote for Biden believe that Trump will win. In this episode, Stephen reveals which metrics he likes to track while evaluating electoral trends.

    Published on May 13, 2020