“Stephen is always concise, clear, and respectful with his thoughts and I can’t wait for each new episode to come out.”

– iTunes Reviewer

  • How did this happen? The majority of Republicans are doubtful of our involvement in Ukraine, questioning our involvement in the Middle East, and questioning the need for Taiwan to maintain its sovereignty. What has led to a reversal of the noble vision held by former presidents like Bush and Reagan who understood that being the world’s most powerful military with diplomatic values comes with a cost?

    Published on October 2, 2024

  • In this episode I recorded on September 9, 2024, before the presidential debate, I make some predictions about how the tone and posture the candidates take will determine not only the outcome of the debate, but also the election. If I was coaching the candidates, these are the recommendations I would make in order for them to win over undecided voters.

    Published on September 18, 2024

  • Kamala Harris has had the most amazing five weeks in American electoral history. Now the campaign is entering a new stage, a time for debating the issues. Will we see Kamala Harris lean more centrist and communicate her positions articulately? Will Donald Trump find his balance and get in the game? There is plenty of drama in this election.

    Published on September 4, 2024

  • Donald Trump has become the Hamlet of American politics. Like Shakespeare’s character, he is troubled, emotional, haunted by his own demons and paralyzed from taking action. Trump has lost the narrative and continues to run a populist campaign rather than addressing the issues. Listen in as I predict where these present trends will lead.

    Published on August 21, 2024

  • It’s no secret that Kamala Harris is the most unpopular vice president in American history. But rather than attacking her on the basis of race or gender, if Trump let her record speak for itself, he could quickly get the American people on his side. Listen in as I break down Kamala’s obvious weaknesses and the tactics Trump should be using to reveal them.

    Published on August 7, 2024

  • An assassination attempt, the GOP convention, President Biden dropping out of the race—the past two weeks have turned the tide of American history. Donald Trump went from an iconic moment of courage and survival to then giving the longest acceptance speech in history. He may be ahead in the polls, but listen in to hear why a win is not in the bag. Kamala Harris has the ability to right herself. And what of the Secret Service? I unpack[read more]

    Published on July 26, 2024

  • Want to know the most important numbers on my mind these days? How about 2.1, 60, 0, 117, and 25-30? Listen in to hear how these numbers are related to things like gratitude, Congress, babies, the presidential election, and war. This episode touches on those as well as immigration, Cincinnatus, drones, political time, and long life.

    Published on July 17, 2024

  • With very few exceptions, I believe only the US flag should be flown over US Embassies abroad. I believe this so strongly that I propose a Constitutional Amendment. Too often our administrations use our embassies to further their own pet causes to the detriment of our country’s reputation. I’d like to return to respecting our embassies for what they are—official headquarters for US diplomatic relations with foreign countries.

    Published on July 3, 2024

  • Some say culture is the codification of a value system and the arts are reflective of our hopes. So what does it mean that Sherlock Holmes, Lord of the Rings, and Superman are such big movie franchises right now? What does this say about the times we’re living in and what we’re looking for? Listen in as I explain some historical parallels for today.

    Published on June 12, 2024

  • In the areas of economics, faith, patriotism, and family, there’s a generational disconnect between baby boomers and Gen Z. In this episode I quote some interesting survey results, talk about why there is such a huge gap between these generations, and suggest what we need to do to preserve our culture.

    Published on June 5, 2024