“Stephen is always concise, clear, and respectful with his thoughts and I can’t wait for each new episode to come out.”

– iTunes Reviewer

  • Here is a truth of leadership: if you don’t fix it, somebody else is going to. And they’re probably going to fix it in a clumsy and heavy-fisted way. The AMA failed to address our healthcare issues, and so we got Obamacare. Several administrations failed to address trade issues, and so we got the Trump approach. Police your industry, or it will get policed for you.

    Published on March 13, 2019

  • Those of us in the West spend little time and money on food. Only one in 50 people work in food production, and less than 10% of personal income is spent on food. For comparison, 82% of Ethiopia’s population works in food production… and 60% of a person’s income in the Philippines is spent on food. The good news is, from 1990 to 2015, one billion people were lifted out of extreme poverty. In the last 36 months of[read more]

    Published on March 6, 2019

  • Many in our current class of Congress are proponents of socialism. They point at our warped version of capitalism and say, “Capitalism doesn’t work! We must throw it out and do something different!” Of course, the system we have today is not a free market economy with a fair playing field. (Warren Buffett’s secretary pays a higher tax rate than he does.) Those of us who believe in a traditional, free market American system need to be prepared to[read more]

    Published on February 27, 2019

  • Many in our current class of Congress are proponents of socialism. They point at our warped version of capitalism and say, “Capitalism doesn’t work! We must throw it out and do something different!” Of course, the system we have today is not a free market economy with a fair playing field. (Warren Buffett’s secretary pays a higher tax rate than he does.) Those of us who believe in a traditional, free market American system need to be prepared to debate[read more]

    Published on February 27, 2019

  • Throughout American political history, the people of this nation have treasured the Cincinnatus image. Cincinnatus was a Roman gentleman farmer who left his plow to serve his state in a time of crisis, after which he returned to his farm. George Washington embodied this ideal, as do many individuals on both sides of the political aisle who run for office as “outsiders,” as “one of the people.” In this episode, Stephen questions the Cincinnatus myth in light of Donald[read more]

    Published on February 20, 2019

  • Most conservatives lack appeal because they lack the ability to make their case. The right cannot survive simply by vilifying the left. Those of us right-of-center must be ready to give an answer in defense of our beliefs. It’s not enough to cling to traditional values. We must possess informed and compelling language. Do you know your history? Are you able to show why socialism doesn’t work? In this episode, Stephen challenges listeners to examine the foundations of their[read more]

    Published on February 13, 2019

  • If you’ve been watching the news, you know there have been two state initiatives regarding abortion: one in New York and one in Virginia. What’s happening today is a reaction to steps taken by President Trump, who has appointed two Supreme Court Justices with pro-life leanings. Pro-choice state legislators are wary that the Supreme Court may overturn Roe v. Wade. In response, they are expanding abortion rights, codifying them into state law in the event of an overturn. This[read more]

    Published on February 6, 2019

  • We don’t want a government comprised of politicians who are too chummy beyond a certain level of civility. We don’t want politicians swept into Potomac Fever, as Truman called it. We need tension. Though we’re currently experiencing a brief reprieve, the government shutdown is slated to return. How can it be avoided? The solution is going to come from those who roll up their sleeves and stay up late at the negotiating table. Real governing doesn’t come from the[read more]

    Published on January 30, 2019

  • Bill Lee, the newly inaugurated Governor of Tennessee, is a model for both the GOP and broader politics in America. Just 30 days before election day he was polling behind by double digits. His opponents slung mud and tried to smear him. “This campaign’s starting to feel like a race to the bottom,” he stated in one ad. But Lee didn’t give in. Bucking the Trump-led trends of bickering and pettiness, Lee strove for nobility, honesty, and character. May[read more]

    Published on January 23, 2019

  • You know that Stephen tends to pay attention to macro-trends and verified stories, but he’s intrigued by something he’s heard from people in the administration and on the Hill. Some are saying that there is at least the hope of the tiniest possibility (how’s that for a disclaimer?) that President Trump may not run for re-election. In this episode, Stephen discusses the implications of such an event, as well as what that hope says about our nation and our[read more]

    Published on January 16, 2019