The Job of a Leader

Years ago, I decided that the way I could serve organizations best was by helping them communicate better. Let me list some of the experiences that led me to this conclusion. I discovered that after sitting with the average CEO for an hour or two, I often understood what he [read more]

2017-01-26T11:15:25-05:00January 26th, 2017|Leading Thoughts|

Leaders Are Different

I wonder if you’ve ever heard this famous sentence: “The British Navy is a system designed by geniuses for execution by idiots.” Now, the problem with this sentence is that it calls everyone in the Navy an idiot. Obviously that’s not true. Still, there is an important truth here about [read more]

2016-05-26T10:02:17-04:00May 26th, 2016|Leading Thoughts|


When people live or work together for a while, they usually start communicating in a private short-hand. Just a few words can invoke an experience they shared or a story they heard, even a joke that always prompts a knowing laugh. All the meaning of the original moments is captured [read more]

2016-01-28T16:23:07-05:00January 28th, 2016|Leading Thoughts|
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