Published On: November 18th, 2015

This past weekend, the Pope movingly said that we are now living in World War III given the recent terrors in Paris. I’ve recorded a podcast offering my view of this and also making some recommendations about how we ought to live in the era dawning upon us. I think what I said in this podcast is more important than anything I might write on this page. So, allow me to offer this week’s Leading Thoughts in audio form.

Allow me also to urge that you forward this email to others by using the Forward option below. Not only will they be able to hear my comments this week, but they will also have the opportunity to subscribe to Leading Thoughts.

Now, more than ever, I believe in the power of noble leadership. I also believe our finest hours may yet be ahead.

Have a good weekend. It will help you enjoy your weekend to know that Notre Dame is 9 and 1 and playing Boston College Saturday. Deo Gratias.